Thank you! This project is FULLY FUNDED!

Dear Friends of Sankanac,
For many years, having a gymnasium building onsite at Camp Sankanac was a dream that our previous leadership had. In recent years, that dream became a pressing need as God continued to dramatically grow and bless the ministries at Camp Sankanac. A few years ago, we felt the timing was right to move forward with turning that dream into a reality. Fast forward to today, by God’s faithful provision, the generous support of many partners, we are excited to announce that this project has been fully funded and is completed!
Thank you for joining us!
You Helped turn this dream into a reality! This Gymnasium building became a critical need as God continued to grow our existing ministries and opened up new doors and opportunities to fulfill our mission of seeing children and adults grow in their relationship with Jesus Christ! The dream wasn’t just to have a new building, but to be able to continue to provide increasingly excellent camping programs to children and adults who come to Camp Sankanac. We are so thankful for those who have partnered with us through prayer, giving, and promotion!

The Need
- Provide a large, safe indoor space options where we can take larger groups of campers during rain, thunderstorms and inclement weather during our summer season.
The Plan
- Located on the corner of Bertolet School Road and Timber Lane
- Gymnasium (done)
- Lobby (done)
- Bathrooms (done)
- Meeting Room (done)
- Parking (done)
- Exterior rock facing (Done)
- Interior furnishing (Done)
The Progress
- Gymnasium and interior front section completed
- Money for the interior front section was raised!
- Final exterior aspects of the building has been completed!
- Climbing wall completed!
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